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A Home

32% of blessings since 1950 included the promise of A Home.

In this life there are blessings to be received in your house and in your habitation as visitations of mercy by the hand of providence, that you may have food and raiment and your hearts be satisfied, and have place and where to put your head.

You blessings shall be answered in the seal of the Everlasting Covenant and in the fullness of the same, made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and again as touching your house and habitation.

You shall be blessed in where to lay your head.

You shall be blessed in your house by and by according to the desires of your heart.

/you shall be remembered in mercy in your house and habitation.

The destroyer shall not trouble thine house.

Thy house shall be a healthy habitation.

Thou shalt be blessed in thy house with health, peace, and plenty, shall dwell in thy borders, and no good thing shall be withheld from thee.

I seal upon you blessings giving you power to heal the sick in thine house and to drive the destroyer from thy habitation.

Peace shall attend thy footsteps and thy habitation and the way of the Lord shall not be hid from thee. Thou wilt see that there is good order in thy house.

You shall be blessed with fields and flocks, with houses and land.

Be faithful and true to your family, and health and peace shall reign and rule in your habitation.

And in the last days thou shalt be blessed pertaining to thy house and lands.

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Thy house shall be a house of order and peace and glory shall be there.

Thou shalt have a home, and an honorable household over which thou shalt preside in honor and dignity.

I bless you with peace in your home, with ability to control yourself and those under your care.

I bless you in your home and in your habitations.

Your home shall be in Zion.

In your home, in traveling abroad or wherever you may be the angels of Heaven shall be your constant companions.

Peace and plenty shall abide in thy home.

Health and plenty will abound in thy home.

It is my calling to bless you to assist in providing the comforts of life for the home.

I bless you that you may always have a home where in to dwell among this people, even a home of peace and of plenty.

I bless you in your home and in your family circle.

I pray God our Eternal Father that you may be comforted and have joy and happiness in your home and in your life.

You are now going with your father and mother brothers and sisters to a new home. You shall always have a home.

You shall never want for a home in which to live.

You shall be blessed with a peaceful home, one in which love shall abound.

You shall have a good home and you will be a good provider.

You shall have a good home, a home where the Angels of God can come because of your sweet personality as a loving mother and loving wife.

It is for you to know that in the lineage of Ephraim are the home makers even those in Zion and this is the great mission of mothers in Israel. Dear Sister you will know how great this mission is when you understand there is another lineage of father Abraham who are not home makers but are wanderers upon the face of the desert. The home that you make will be sweet and sacred and sanctified.

May you honor the Priesthood in your home and have your family prayers, where your home will be adorned with the products of your own creation, where the really good things of life are made important and where old and good friends come to call and mingle their fine spirit with yours.

I bless you in your home, that all things will work in harmony, that you may be able to do our Father's work and that through the blessings of our Father in Heaven, and your kindliness, thou shalt have the privilege of having thy home and thy life united in the bonds of the Holy Priesthood, which is the greatest blessing you can receive while here in mortality.

You shall have a good provider and a lovely home.

You shall receive greater joy and happiness in your home.

Let joy and happiness and love and kindness and patience and understanding be a part of your home and your household

You have been privileged to come into a home where the spirit of the gospel dwells.

Do all that you can to encourage, by your actions and by your lovely home, the proper spirit that the priesthood will be effective in your home.

Build your home upon love and the spirit of the Gospel.

I bless you as a patriarch in your own home.

Let the priesthood you hold rule in your home with love and understanding.

It is not by chance that you live in a home and a family where the priesthood presides.

I bless you that you will be able to establish a home founded upon the principles of righteousness.

What you learn shall be an everlasting benefit and shall prepare you for your greatest responsibility which shall be to adequately provide for a home and family.

You have been reserved by our Heavenly Father to come forth under special circumstances and to reside in a special home where you have been taught and trained and loved and appreciated for the stalwart spirit that you possess.

Strive to establish a home where peace, love, and harmony abide. Hold your family home evenings.

I bless you that your home will be a haven of peace and love and harmony where there will be no poverty, and you will see eye to eye with your husband in temporal matters. Your home will be a refuge of comfort where spirituality will be developed.

In your home there will be family prayers and scriptures study; there will be kindness and a spirit of sharing.

I bless you that your home will be a bastion of peace and safety unto which your family can come and find peace and contentment.

Your Home will be a place of peace to invite the Holy Spirit to abide therein.

Your home may be a refuge for not only your family, but your friends; and all who come there will find peace from the world. You will have many teaching opportunities through that spirit. Always honor it.

Praise the Lord for the good parents with which you have been blessed; for brothers and sisters; for your home where therein reigns peace amidst affliction and the sorrow which dwells outside in this world He has created.

I bless you in your home. Make it the base of operations for your life.

You will set the proper example for your children, provide a home of safety, love and honor, a place where your family can gather and be protected from the cares of the world.

I bless you with the desire in your heart to have the good influences of the world in your life and in your home.

As you each strive to set up your new home, to do what is right, to invite the Holy Spirit of the Lord to be there, you will enjoy the fruits of the Holy Spirit as defined by the apostle Paul, even love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance.

Your home will be one of love and the spirit of the Lord will be there.

The Lord will help you to make your home a place of peace and comfort and joy

I bless you to strengthen your home by holding family home evening, scripture study, family prayer, family councils, regular interviews, and regular Church attendance so that your children will be strengthened and be able to resist the temptations with which they come in contact as they go out in the world, and they will remain strong in the faith and never bring dishonor upon you or your husband. I bless you that you will create a home that is safe from the fiery darts of Satan, where temptation will not enter, neither through the door nor electronically, a place of tranquility and peace, a place that is safe and comfortable, a place that is a refuge from the chaos and turmoil of the world.

I bless you that you will preside in righteousness in your home.

I bless your home to be one of love, one where the Spirit dwells, a house of God.

You will be sealed to a young woman of your choice that a Patriarch Home might be established here upon the earth. Your home will be blessed with children

You live in a marvelous time, with security in your home and in your association with family and friends.

Your home will become a haven of peace and goodness and a light in the midst of so much darkness that continues to grow upon the face of the earth.

Your parents have blessed you in the past with a comfortable home and will continue guiding you whenever you need their help.

I bless you that your home will be a place of joy, reverence, and a refuge from the pride and tempation of the world.

Your home will be a haven of love, peace, and happiness. Your home will be a refuge from the storm and wickedness in the last days.

Become one with the Lord in your home. Be faithful in holding family home evenings, family and personal prayers, and family and personal scripture study.

You will be blessed to have a happy home.

Discuss the challenges of your home, and appreciate the wonders of the Savior's love with your wife, and she will become your best and treasured friend.

You will enjoy establishing a home to which our Father in Heaven would be pleased to send his spirit offspring. In organizing your home; let it be a place where you will love serving your family and where they will be grateful to participate.

Heavenly Father will expect your children to be raised in a gospel oriented home where love, faith and charity are taught. A home with a stable environment where the Holy Ghost can dwell and be an influence in your family.

You will create a beautiful home where spirit children are waiting to come into, a home where the gospel is being lived.

Now it is important that you establish your home in Zion as an exemplary home to all who will enter and who will witness your home and home life.

You will become a great teacher and a leader in your home.

You will have a gospel home. It will be a home for children to be safe.

Strive to make your home a place of learning, a place of happiness, and a refuge from the storms and difficulties of this life.

You find yourself in this home with these parents and siblings because God willed it so. God knew that you would be blessed here in this home.

I bless you that you will become an honorable father, grandfather and patriarch of your home.

No responsibility will be greater than that of establishing and maintaining a righteous home. No greater challenge and charge will come than that of bringing up Heavenly Father's children in a righteous home

You will be blessed to maintain a home of righteousness and of peace, a home of beauty and of prayer, a home that will be a refuge from the ills the world. Though you will be very familiar with the contentions that will be found outside your home, I bless you that because of your faith and that of your husband, you will have the power to resist the influences of the world that would seek to intrude upon the spirit you will be able to maintain in your home.

Your home will be protected from the evils of men and the forces of nature. It will be a place where the spirit will dwell.

The priesthood's power will bless your home.

I bless you that you will work with your wife to establish a home of righteousness.

Create a world within your own life, even your home, where the Spirit can dwell, where eternity can be understood.

If you will keep your covenants and train your family up, your home will be a beacon, a light upon a hill, and there will be young women that come to your home seeking protection physically and spiritually.

You will be directed to your community, wards, stakes, and in your home, where you will minister with faith and humility.

You will welcome spiritual brothers and sisters into your home.

Blessing #21
I promise you that, as you build your home on the rock of your Redeemer, your home will never fall.

Blessing #74
The Lord loves your children dearly and places them in your home on loan.

Blessing #123
You will be surrounded in a home that will be pleasant to you in which you will be a guiding light.